Sebastien Dumetz

Plugins helpers for Jekyll

I use Jekyll a lot at work for various static sites. Throughout it, I’ve developped some handy plugins. While Jekyll’s plugins system is easy and powerful to use, the doc lacks some info on helpers functions, right_way™ to parse arguments, etc… Here’s a short list, half for myself to remember, half for others to learn.

Class documentation

While jekyll is great, developpers might like rubydoc’s page to get a complete Class reference on Jekyll’s internals. The Utils class has some useful methods. Similarly, Liquid gem’s docs are not advertised in any of the mainstream sites. It reveals priceless when digging into templates internals.

The Liquid class has some useful constants, like Liquid::QuotedFragment which will match any quoted string

Helper functions


lookup_variable(name, context) is the only export of Jekyll::LiquidExtensions, and is a handy shortcut to interpret liquid variables at render time.

Here is the example code for a Liquid::Tag :

require 'jekyll/liquid_extensions'
module Jekyll
  module Tags
    class FooTag < Liquid::Tag
      include Jekyll::LiquidExtensions
      VARIABLE = /\{\{\s*([\w]+\.?[\w]*)\s*\}\}/i
      def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
        @markup = markup

      def interpret(markup, context)
        markup.scan VARIABLE do |variable|
          markup = markup.gsub(VARIABLE, lookup_variable(context, variable.first))
      def render(context)
        parsed_markup = interpret(@markup,context)
        # actual code here

It will replace anything enclosed in “{{ }} “ by it’s variable value within context. If the variable does not exists, it outputs the variable’s name.


Jekyll require you to “jail” paths to the site’s source directory. Jekyll.sanitized_path(base, file) will effectively ensure this. Complete behaviour tests are available for review here. Practical usage inside your plugin will look like this :

def render(context)
  file_path = Jekyll.sanitized_path(context.registers[:site].source, interpret(@markup,context))
  # actual code here

Thus, /foo.txt, foo.txt will resolve relative to the site’s source dir. Furthermore, ../foo.txt and /../foo.txt will also work. I don’t see why you’d do that but it’s always good to have some layer of safety.


Greatly inspired by work done by others on jekyll-sitemap.

Integration testing

Always check your code actually does something out there in the wild. Fortunately, it’s easy to do just that. Create a fixture/ directory with the required files :

  • _layouts/default.html
  • index.html
  • any necessary file for test purposes

Then test (using rspec here. adapt to your framework of choice)

SOURCE_DIR = File.expand_path("../fixtures", __FILE__)
DEST_DIR   = File.expand_path("../dest",     __FILE__)

def source_dir(*files)
  File.join(SOURCE_DIR, *files)

def dest_dir(*files)
  File.join(DEST_DIR, *files)

describe "Integration" do
  before(:context) do
    config = Jekyll.configuration({
      "source"      => source_dir,
      "destination" => dest_dir,
      "url"         => "",
    site =
  it "render site" do
    expect(File.exist?(dest_dir("index.html"))).to be_truthy

Then add test cases to verify if output is as expected.


Documentation on Hooks is sparse and it’s a rather underused feature. In my experience, nearly anything you’d want to do with a hook can be done with a template. However :

Hooks can dramatically speed up your rendering

They require no context switch, no bouncing from Liquid components : pure ruby logic. I had this snippet to get a page’s language depending on its url :

    {% unless lang %}
      {% if page.lang %}
        {% assign lang = page.lang %}
      {% elsif page.url contains "/fr" %}
        {% assign lang = "fr" %}
      {% elsif page.url contains "/en" %}
        {% assign lang = "en" %}
      {% else %}
        {% assign lang = "fr" %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endunless %}

This simple snippet was adding 2 seconds of render time on every update, with a site of ~100 pages.

The exact same thing in ruby would take a negligible amount of time :

re = /^\/(?<lang>fr|en)\/(.*)$/
Jekyll::Hooks.register :documents, :pre_render, priority: "high" do |content, doc|
  url =["url"]
  filepath =["relative_path"]
  if ! "lang"
    match = re.match(url)
    if match["lang"] = match["lang"]
    else["lang"] = "fr"

Jekyll’s doc already disclose the scopes and events available for use. A few precisions :

One can not set pages variables in the :post_init phase : Those hooks use the Jekyll:Document, Jekyll:Site, etc… Objects. Trying to do so will yield an error :

    Error:  undefined method `[]=' for #<Jekyll::Document:0x00000002fcedb8>

On the other hand, :pre_render hooks are using Jekyll::Drops::DocumentDrop and equivalents, which set the []= operator.

:documents hooks have access to a “content” variable, |content,doc|. It’s defined as “NO CONTENT” in early hook.

The page variable can be modified in :documents, :pre_render hooks using thissyntax :["foo"]="bar", and will be available in templates as ``. The site variable can be modified at any stage using site.config["foo"] = "bar". Site is generally still accessible in other hooks as a child of the main object.

Jekyll::Hooks.register :documents, :pre_render, priority: "high" do |content, doc|
  url =["url"]["foo"] = "hello world"
  # ...
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