Sebastien Dumetz

JS CustomEvent efficiency

CustomEvent in browser-JS is a rarely used feature, while it’s ubiquitous in it’s server-side counterpart. It looks like an elegant solution to dispatch state changes, redux-style.

Let’s see the good in this undervaluated feature

Browser support

Good ol’ caniuse is positive :

Can I Use customevent? Data on support for the customevent feature across the major browsers from

We’ll need a IE 11 polyfill, which is fortunately simple enough (from mdn):

(function () {

  if ( typeof window.CustomEvent === "function" ) return false;

  function CustomEvent ( event, params ) {
    params = params || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined };
    var evt = document.createEvent( 'CustomEvent' );
    evt.initCustomEvent( event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail );
    return evt;

  CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype;

  window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent;


We can easily make helper functions like this :

function dispatchFoo(detail){
  document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("foo",{detail:detail}));

function listenFoo(fn){
  return document.removeEventListener.bind(document,"foo",fn);

The listener can unsubscribe itself as it should. It lacks things like a listenOnce() shortcut, but that should be straightforward to implement as needed.


All’s well, but how fast is it?

The main drawback we read about over the web is the performance penalty of using too much event listeners in your app. However here, we’re not setting loads of handlers all over the place. It’s only using the document element. That change things…

We’ll be testing 3 cases on 10000 iterations each. (complete code here)

Case 1

All events are registered on document global element. 10000 listeners are called when an event is dispatched.

Case 2

10000 DOM nodes are created. Each one gets an element attached. We dispatch 10000 events and each listener gets its own.


type registration dispatch unsubscribe
global listener 135ms 17ms 28ms
multi listeners 13ms 62ms 8ms

Of course it’s hard to get a good measurement on a real world use case (3-4 listeners) because it’s sub-millisecond…

Overall, those results are great. Why so much hate over this function? It comes from a bad practice that frameworks like React and other Shadow DOM based projects tries to solve.


Each time something in the DOM that would change appearance is modified, the browser performs a repaint (it’s more of a cascade of operations, but let’s keep it simple).

Except… not really.

To be efficient, the browser does not repaint until enough time has elapsed OR it’s queried for some DOM property and need to recalculate.

Operation time
update (x1000) 4ms
query+update (x1000) 472ms


What does it means for our little listener? If it does ANY DOM query, it’s going to take ~30ms to complete (depending on page’s complexity).


the CustomEvent mechanism is a great way to propagate, well, events… through your app. However, as always with vanilla JS, it’s easy to hurt performance greatly with no apparent reason.

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