Sebastien Dumetz

Providing codecs informations on HTML5 video

The HTML5 VideoElement allows for codecs informations in the type property. For once, even safari seems to happily support it. How is it important? Because browsers will choose the first input they can play solely depending on the type property (or file extension, if absent). Once they make the wrong choice (i.e. A too high level mp4 video for iOS/ a low end android), they’ll just hang there forever.

However, the codecs infos are really not so well documented. I made detailed search on the subject and here are all the bytes you could need to describe your h.264 presets.


an h.264 video is described as :

  <source src="/path/to/video.mp4" type='video/mp4 codecs="avc1.4D401F"'>

avc1 being h.264’s reference. the 3 hex bytes after the dot are :

  • profile_idc
  • constraint_set
  • level_idc

hereafter you’ll find a complete description of their meaning.

Byte 1 : profile_idc

in h.264 syntax, profile is usually given as a string. For example using libav or ffmpeg, we’ll set it with -profile:v high. libx264’s code has a simple if chain to parse those (in common/common.c)

    static int profile_string_to_int( const char *str )
        if( !strcasecmp( str, "baseline" ) )
            return PROFILE_BASELINE;
        if( !strcasecmp( str, "main" ) )
            return PROFILE_MAIN;
        if( !strcasecmp( str, "high" ) )
            return PROFILE_HIGH;
        if( !strcasecmp( str, "high10" ) )
            return PROFILE_HIGH10;
        if( !strcasecmp( str, "high422" ) )
            return PROFILE_HIGH422;
        if( !strcasecmp( str, "high444" ) )
            return PROFILE_HIGH444_PREDICTIVE;
        return -1;

We can get the corresponding integer in common/set.h

    enum profile_e
        PROFILE_BASELINE = 66,
        PROFILE_MAIN     = 77,
        PROFILE_HIGH    = 100,
        PROFILE_HIGH10  = 110,
        PROFILE_HIGH422 = 122,

so here is the complete translation from profile string to profile_idc

profile enum idc
baseline 66 42
main 77 4D
high 100 64
high10 110 6E
high422 122 7A
high444 244 7A

Byte 2 : constraint_set

Again from the code :

sps->b_constraint_set0  = sps->i_profile_idc == PROFILE_BASELINE;
/* x264 doesn't support the features that are in Baseline and not in Main,
 * namely arbitrary_slice_order and slice_groups. */
sps->b_constraint_set1  = sps->i_profile_idc <= PROFILE_MAIN;
/* Never set constraint_set2, it is not necessary and not used in real world. */
sps->b_constraint_set2  = 0;
sps->b_constraint_set3  = 0;

sps->i_level_idc = param->i_level_idc;
if( param->i_level_idc == 9 && ( sps->i_profile_idc == PROFILE_BASELINE || sps->i_profile_idc == PROFILE_MAIN ) )
    sps->b_constraint_set3 = 1; /* level 1b with Baseline or Main profile is signalled via constraint_set3 */
    sps->i_level_idc      = 11;
/* Intra profiles */
if( param->i_keyint_max == 1 && sps->i_profile_idc >= PROFILE_HIGH )
    sps->b_constraint_set3 = 1;

A bit more difficult to read but in the end pretty straightforward. The tricky thing here is given how these are written in headers, constraint_set0 is the highest order bit.

b_constraint_set0 to b_constraint_set5 and 2 reserved bytes. The code tells us constraint_set2 is never used. Also, 4 and 5 are not implemented in libx264. The last 4 bytes are written as :

bs_write( s, 4, 0 );    /* reserved */

so we have this mask : xx0x0000

0 and 1 are easy to figure out :

Having PROFILE_MAIN, we get : constraint_set1=1 any higher profile would yield constraint_set1=0. ``constraint_set0` is set only when using PROFILE_BASELINE.

Then constraint_set3 is set if level_idc is 9 AND profile is BASELINE or MAIN. or : *keyint_max = 1 and profile_idc is HIGH or more**

Easy to figure out if you know your encoding options. If not, any tool would give those results.

A quick look at common/set.c tells us that bits 4 and 5 are treated as the other reserved.

profile bits byte
baseline 11000000 0xC0
main 01000000 0x40
high 00000000 0x00
high(intra) 00010000 0x10

Note : ** this changes if your level_idc is **9 and profile <= MAIN . Check later section and add 0x10 if it’s the case.

Byte 3 : level_idc

We have 2 syntaxes for levels. 4.1 or 41 means the same thing. The code speaks for itself :

if( !strcmp(value, "1b") )
            p->i_level_idc = 9;
        else if( atof(value) < 6 )
            p->i_level_idc = (int)(10*atof(value)+.5);
            p->i_level_idc = atoi(value);

1b is a special case that yields a 9. Other values are converted

So we just take our level and convert it to hex.


For a standard h.264 Main Concept level 3.1 video, your codec code would be : avc1.4D401F. For any other stream, you can then infer the bytes from your encoding options.

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